Wednesday, August 3, 2011

20's & 30's

Recently had some long weekends with friends I spent my 20's with.  As we have weathered the seasons of life I chuckled at some of the striking differences between our 20's and 30's...a short list:

1.  9:30 pm:  In our 20's - Heading out the door, 30's turning in.  Full time job and kids change the game.
2.  Coffee:  In our 20's Starbuck's please, 30's home brew french press.  Budget reorganized.
3.  Pedicures:  In our 20's at home, 30's that's a long way down, salon please.
4.  Parents:  In our 20's talks of boundaries, rules and what we need from them, 30's talks of how we can take better care of them as they age. 
5.  Undergarments:  In our 20's, what's the cutest, 30's practical, supportive and comfortable wins!
6.  Men:  In our 20's, curiosity about the future, marriage, when, who???  30's some of us are married now, what a joy to see the beauty of marriage grow before my eyes...and for those of us single, curious, when, who???  lol
7.  Self Image:  In our 20's, do I look ok?,  30's Comfortable in our own skin, more than ok.  If we aren't content with something, we do the work to change it.  And continue to walk in beauty and grace.  
8.  Food:  In our 20's fried, fast, trendy and tasty.  30's  Flavor, value, and does it have enough fiber?  Never too early to think about bowel health ;)

And on that note, it's 11:18, way past my bed time.