Sunday, July 12, 2015

Humbling Happenings

Humbled. Humbled. Humbled.  The last 28 hours can be summed up in that word alone. Picked up K (foster daughter) for church on Saturday evening and passed by a man in a wheelchair holding a sign saying he needed help and was hungry. My little one has a keen eye and a big heart for people in need. Immediately she asks if we can give him something. I usually say, 'not this time' with a tinge of conviction in my heart, due to my perception of lack...lack of time, lack of cash on hand, lack of preparation.  Lack of compassion in my own heart?  As if it all depends on me. But we did have extra time and I did have two snacks in the car. So I said yes, made a couple of quick u-turns and parked near him.  With instructions to stay by my side and stay quiet, we approached. He graciously accepted our small offerings and we exchanged names.  Upon getting back in the car, I suggested we say a prayer for Sean.  K went first and I welled up with tears listening to the sweetest voice say the sweetest prayer for him to 'have a good life, and have a home and be safe.'  I followed with a prayer, and we went on to church.

The message, I Am Chosen, living from a place of God's acceptance instead of for the acceptance of others. In other words, ditch the ego whether it be in arrogance or insecurity and live humbly.  
~ Quotable Quotes ~

Today rolls around and in this heat, we headed to the pool. k asks if she can invite her playmate to church. I give her permission and we practice. She does a great job and conversations with parents begin.  I think about my own lack of zeal at times and tendency to avoid conversations with new people that go beyond the surface. Even though it's basically for the kidz bucks, I am impressed with her courage to make the ask. 

After swimming this evening we stopped by the grocery store for a few essentials, 15 minutes and 15 reminders to 'keep your hands to yourself' plus one assignment of time out when we got home for not heeding said reminders, we got in line.  Bags and groceries on the conveyor and I realized I only had $7 cash and no debit card. I don't bring my card to the pool. Duh. We get up front and I explain things to the super sweet cashier.  I decide to buy the rotisserie chicken for tonight's dinner and do without the rest until I come back and shop again tomorrow.  Half way to the car this young woman is running after us. She says. 'Come back, I'm paying for your groceries.  You shouldn't have to come all the way back.'  Initially I resist saying...that's too kind, please you don't have to. She insists and basically walks back inside fully expecting us to follow her.   

Too kind?  Really Natalie, can someone be too kind? 

 I have to say I didn't feel embarrassed at all...just so incredibly cared for and blessed.  We met up at the register and began to gather our bags. I asked her name...Ruth. I thanked her for her kindness and told her we'd be praying for her. What else could I offer to someone I couldn't pay back?  She said she could use it with a baby on the way.  I asked and she said it was her first and her voice started to shake when she added her husband was deployed overseas.  I thought to myself...this is an opportunity to walk the walk and step in close to really share the love of Christ. Do I want to be someone who  talks about it or someone who does it?  And the even louder voice...what do I want to model for my daughter?  So I said, 'can I pray for you now?  She immediately stepped in for a hug, saying that it would be great, and held my hand and cried as I prayed.  We parted with hugs all around. What an incredible moment.  As we left I shared with K that I was emotional because I felt so blessed. She noticed that Ruth was shaking too and we chatted about the power of God.  Got home...shower, dinner, time out etc.  sat down and as I reflected on this weekend, I had to share.  I am listening. 

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God? (‭Micah‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ AMP)